Dear Valued Customer, In conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration, please note that orders placed between 22nd January till 2nd February 2025 on our online platform will be shipped starting 3rd February 2025 onwards. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding. Wishing you a prosperous Chinese New Year!
select m.manufacturers_id, m.manufacturers_name, m.address_key, mi.manufacturers_meta_title, mi.manufacturers_meta_descp, mp.manufacturersportion_image from manufacturers m left join manufacturers_portion mp on m.manufacturers_id = mp.manufacturers_id and mp.manufacturersportion_position = 'Left Menu', manufacturers_info mi where m.manufacturers_id = mi.manufacturers_id and m.manufacturers_id = '1019'
Made with the natural Himalayan Salt, this new sports candy comes in really handy should your body need some extra sodium after an intense workout. It’s refreshing minty flavour is also ideal for anyone who needs a minty fresh breath after lunch or... before a meeting or something refreshing on hot day. The extra cool sensation of the hard candy also soothes the throat at the same time.