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Emtrix Fungal Nail Treatment 10ml

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Emtrix Fungal Nail Treatment 10ml

RM 49.00

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Emtrix Fungal Nail Treatment 10ml

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Emtrix Fungal Nail Treatment 10ml


Ref No   10005629EA
8 Ratings 82 Sold
RM 49.00
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* Actual Packaging May Vary Due To Product Enhancement

Emtrix is a topical treatment (on the nail) for nails affected by fungal nail infection or psoriasis.

Emtrix improves the appearance of discoloured and deformed nails. Emtrix has a physical keratolytic effect and degrades the cells of fungi that typically cause fungal nail infection. Emtrix increases hydration, gently smoothes the outer layers of the nail plate and, by changing the nail’s microenvironment and improving nail surface integrity, keeps nails in good condition. First signs of improvement are normally seen after 2?? weeks of treatment.

Emtrix - for healthy nails

Emtrix has a keratolytic effect, which can be likened to a gentle peeling. By softening up and carefully loosening the damaged layer of the nail, Emtrix gives a smoother nail surface, discolouration is reduced and the nail’s appearance is improved.

A common cause of the nail being unsightly/deformed and discoloured is that it is too dry. A dry nail breaks and flakes and often has a yellowish colour. Emtrix adds and binds moisture in the nail, whereby the moisture balance is restored. This affects the nail’s condition and gives your nails a healthier appearance.

Emtrix and nail fungus
Emtrix changes the nail’s microenvironment so that the nail fungus no longer can thrive. Emtrix has an unspecific physical mode of action on fungi which results in the degradation of the fungal cells. In this way, the fungal infection is counteracted.

Emtrix is easy to use and there is no need to file the nail as part of the treatment. Emtrix is applied once a day to the discoloured/deformed nail. For Emtrix to work better, it is a good idea to make the treatment a routine at bedtime.

This is how you do it:

Hold the point of the tube onto the nail and press lightly.
Apply a thin layer over the entire nail surface, including under the free edge of the nail.
Leave to dry for a few minutes.
Duration of treatment varies according to the initial severity of the condition and the extent of the nail’s discolouration/damage. It normally requires at least 3-6 months’ treatment to achieve a significant improvement, but visible results can often be seen after only 2-4 weeks. For optimal result, the treatment should be continued until a normal nail has grown out.

Customer Reviews

jojo_chong 5 of 5 Rates!
Posted: Friday 22 October, 2021
johnoh19 5 of 5 Rates!
Fast delivery, item nicely wrapped with bubble wrap and received in good condition
Posted: Friday 15 October, 2021
azmi_rahman 5 of 5 Rates!
Pesanan dh d terima.Kesan belum diketahui.Akan di update setelah melihat keberkesanan produk..
Posted: Sunday 03 October, 2021
samadkingsuil 5 of 5 Rates!
Posted: Thursday 23 September, 2021
hairiemx 5 of 5 Rates!
Posted: Friday 17 September, 2021
amizan87 5 of 5 Rates!
Seller level 5star,tp produk belum try lagi
Posted: Friday 10 September, 2021

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