Mobility AidsHpg (My09261-T) Tripod Cane Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Height adjustable 3 tips walking stick Type Tripod cane Seat No Hpg (My09251L-M) Shoulder Crutches For Adult 1 Pair Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 1 who having pre/ post one side lower limb injury User Height 152-171cm Uses Short term use , Height adjustable Type Shoulder crutches Hpg (My09111La) Tripod Cane W/ Apple Shaped Seat Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Capacity User < 50 kg Uses Foldable chair / Fixed walking stick Type Tripod cane with seat Hpg (My09471-N) Narrow Based Quad Cane Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Height adjustable 4 tips walking stick Type Quad cane Seat No Hpg (My092011L) Non-Foldable Walking Cane Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Height adjustable walking stick Type Walking stick Seat No Hpg (My09271L) Foldable Walking Cane Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Height adjustable foldable walking stick Type Walking stick Seat No Gc (C943L-Brown) Tripod Cane W/Round Seat Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 User User < 50 kg Uses Foldable chair / Fixed walking stick Type Tripod cane with seat Prolife (Mpl-Uws) Walking Stick 2 In 1 W/Umbrella Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Umbrella / Fixed walking stick Type Walking stick with umbrella Seat No Gc (C935L-B) T-Handle Tricane W/Spring Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Stylish height adjustable walking stick Type Tricane Seat No Hpg (My09441-W) Wide Based Quad Cane Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Height adjustable 4 tips walking stick Type Quad cane Seat No Gc (C935L-G) T-Handle Tricane W/Spring Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Stylish height adjustable walking stick Type Tricane Seat No Hpg (My093311L) Elbow Crutches 1 Pcs Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 1 who having pre/ post one side lower limb injury User User height > 155cm Uses Short term use , Height adjustable Type Elbow crutches Mers (9030L) Walking Stick W/Large Base Specification Suitable Ideal for user mobility level 2 Uses Height adjustable walking stick Type Walking stick Seat No
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